Products with Documented Low Environmental Footprints

Our products boast low climate footprints and superior environmental performance across most categories.

Our Strategic Approach

“We closely engage with our customers and the entire value chain to propel sustainable innovation. Our commitment extends beyond merely meeting environmental regulations; we aim to surpass these standards and exceed customer expectations in every aspect of our operations.”

Innovating the Sustainable Materials of Tomorrow

Cellulosics and their derivatives are produced from natural renewable raw materials, mainly cotton pulp or wood pulp. Ranging from more energy saving building materials, healthier foodingredients and enhanced medicinal delivery, most products containing cellulosics help to make improvements in the daily lives of billions of people.

Part of Landu strategy is to effectively and considerately develop the company. Standards concerning quality, the protection of the environment, safety and the protection of health, including production-oriented environmental protection play a central role in this strategy.

Another key aspect of LANDU is entering markets where we anticipate significant transformations in sustainable development, thereby creating future opportunities for our sustainable products.

We've adopted MVR treatments for zero waste emissions and ISO 14000 compliance.

Key Desalination Technology for Zero Discharge

Mechanical Vapor Recompression (MVR) technology compresses the secondary steam produced by an evaporation system using a steam compressor. The compressed steam is then returned to the evaporation system to maintain the evaporation process. During evaporation, only a small amount of steam is needed to preheat the material, saving over 60-80% of fresh steam and over 90% of cooling water compared to traditional evaporators. MVR is a highly advanced energy-saving technology for evaporation, reducing operational costs by 40-80% compared to traditional multi-effect evaporators.
The previously discarded steam is now fully utilized in the MVR evaporator, recovering its latent heat of vaporization and improving thermal efficiency. Additionally, using electrical power instead of steam input reduces operational costs. MVR evaporators can perform low-temperature evaporation. In designing MVR evaporators, selecting the appropriate steam compressor is crucial. The main types of steam compressors used in MVR evaporators are centrifugal and Roots steam compressors. Roots compressors are suitable for smaller evaporation loads, while centrifugal compressors are more versatile, with a single-stage temperature rise of up to 24°C.
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