Cellulose Ether Services

LANDU is a globally recognized leader in the field of cellulose technology services, specializing in global technical solutions.


LANDU is a leading high-tech enterprise headquartered in Shandong Province, at the forefront of cutting-edge research, development, and manufacturing in the field of construction materials.

LANDU has over 20 years of comprehensive experience in multiple disciplines including cellulose manufacturing, research and development, chemistry, and data analysis. We closely collaborate with clients to undertake value-creation projects such as productivity analysis, training seminars, new product development, and dual certifications. Additionally, we assist LANDU in manufacturing, quality control, logistics, and research and development to ensure meeting or exceeding customer requirements.

A natural polymer derived from wood or cotton linters


A natural polymer derived from wood or cotton linters

LANDU Landercoll® cellulose have been meticulously developed to impart a wide range of properties.

  1. Enhanced water retention
  2. Improved workability
  3. Increased sag resistance
  4. Extended open time
  5. Enhanced tensile strength


As an innovative technology, Accurate™ complements our existing Landercoll® cellulose portfolio.

LANDU Accurate™ re-dispersible polymer powder is a versatile and innovative chemical additive that plays a pivotal role in diverse industries, particularly construction and building materials.

  1. Flexibility and Adhesion
  2. Improved Workability
  3. Reduced Shrinkage
  4. Improved Durability
  5. Temperature Tolerance

Re-dispersible polymer powder

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