
How to Prolong Tile Adhesive Open Time?

This video introduce the essential techniques for prolonging the open time of tile adhesives.

Ideal Thickener Choice for Detergent & Liquid Soap: LANDU K200D

This video will showcase Landu HPMC K200D, the ultimate thickener for detergent and liquid soap formulations.

What to Do if The Self Leveling Does Not Flow?

This video we dive into the world of self-leveling compounds, exploring cement-based and gypsum-based options.

How to Create Putty with Excellent Construction Performance?

This video uncover the secrets to creating putty with excellent construction performance.

Landu Company History

This video highlights how Landu has become a global leader in cellulose ethers and redispersible polymer powder (RDP)

Which one is better, Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer or Naphthalene Superplasticizer?

This video indicates differences between polycarboxylate superplasticizer (PCE) and naphthalene superplasticizer.

Landercoll: Pioneering Innovation in Cellulose Ether Solutions

This video takes you through the journey of Landercoll. 

Tile Adhesive Construction Site Experiment

This video showcase a construction site experiment using our Landu HPMC and RDP-enhanced tile adhesive.

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